




Edinburgh Castle sits on top of a hill, its powerful presence felt across the city. Bagpipers play along the Royal Mile, where the scent of meat pies fills the air. As people race along the cobblestone streets to get to lunch or catch the bus, 那是一声炮响——这是每日的“一点钟的大炮”, 这个传统可以追溯到1861年. 

这是我永远不会忘记的一幕. For one semester, I called Edinburgh home and explored all that the city could offer. I hiked Arthur’s Seat, which is an extinct volcano that erupted 350 million years ago. 我参观了荷里路德宫, the official residence of the British Monarchy when the Royal Family stays in Scotland. 我在卡尔顿山上看日落, 这是一座位于市中心的小山,可以看到城市最美的景色. From unique flavored gelatos like fig and goat cheese to aromatic Indian food to delicious full Scottish breakfasts, 在哈吉斯, 一种由羊肠和香料组成的苏格兰美食!),我尝试了许多不同的菜系. 我还在一个周末去了天空岛和高地. Rolling hills blanketed in orange shrubs with numerous tiny springs of rivers sprouting out of the ground paired with the moody, 雾蒙蒙的气氛使高地感到神奇. My only regret is that I didn't get the opportunity to see the shaggy and iconic Highland 牛.  

起初,有很多挑战,但随着时间的推移,我坚持了下来. Since I am a commuter student in 雷德兰兹, this was my first time being away from home. 在第一个星期,我感到紧张、焦虑和想家. 一开始, 即使是平凡的差事, such as using public transportation or paying for groceries with British pounds, 是不同的,让我困惑的吗. However, it did not take me long to get accustomed to my new environment, and began to thrive. I learned to be adaptable and flexible when navigating a new education system and all the learning curves that came with it. For example, your entire grade depends on one test at the end of the semester. 但往好的方面想, university grading system is much different from ours in that 40% is considered passing.   

The University of Edinburgh has a large and diverse catalog of classes that enabled me to take classes not offered at the University of 雷德兰兹. 我的双学位是环境科学和数学, I was able to fulfill all my major requirements while also learning about exciting and interesting topics. 我最喜欢的课程之一, 气象学, 是由三个不同的教授教的, 每个人都是各自研究领域的专家. My classes ranged from 40 students in a lab to over 500 students in a large lecture hall. 我习惯了雷德兰兹的小班授课, this type of learning environment was another experience I needed to adapt to.  

Living with students from various cultures was one of the highlights of my experience. 通过与其他国际学生交谈, I gained new perspectives and learned many interesting social norms from around the world. My Irish flat mate even taught me some Gaelic and my Korean classmate introduced me to japchae, 韩式玻璃炒面.   

Studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh was an amazing and wonderful opportunity.  我不仅提升了自己,也看到了一种新的生活方式. 我永远不会忘记我一路走来的回忆和友谊.  

A few of my fellow Bulldogs also chose the British Isles for their study abroad experience………… 


看到特拉法加广场, 伦敦市中心的标志性建筑, 第一次在黄昏, 一边听着街头艺人拉小提琴, 玛丽·齐默尔曼感觉自己像是在电影里. 玛丽, 学数学的高年级学生, studied abroad at Queen 玛丽 University of London and was excited to explore a new country without the worry of a language barrier. 尽管她不认为自己有冒险精神, she spent her free time visiting the stunning and immense collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 漫步在摄政运河上, 在维多利亚公园的周日市场购物. 这些只是玛丽在伦敦最喜欢的几个地方. She also found that getting around London became second nature within a brief period of time by either using the Tube or one of the iconic red double-decker buses that are synonymous with London.   


由于玛丽的留学经历, she feels that she gained self-confidence by navigating through new experiences, 无论是从威尼斯人平台还是日常活动. With a more independent learning education system at Queen 玛丽 University, 玛丽在学习上变得更有进取心了, which is currently propelling her in her research for her senior capstone project.  

如果有机会,玛丽绝对愿意再出国留学. “Studying abroad basically allows you to live a totally new life for three months, 远离日常生活的压力, 专注于你自己和你的学习,”她说。. 



被丰富的历史所吸引, 独特的文化, 和爱尔兰美丽的风景, 席琳·拉菲在都柏林大学学院留学. Being able to see the rugged Cliffs of Moher and the various castle ruins scattered around Aran Islands at the mouth of Galway Bay, 羊群呼啸而过, 牛, 还有骑自行车的马, 是一次她永远不会忘记的平静而美好的经历吗.  


席琳, 环境研究专业大三学生, was excited to study abroad in the capital of Ireland with some fellow University of 雷德兰兹 students. Traveling to historical sites such as Dublin castle built in the 13th century, 圣帕特里克大教堂衬得生机勃勃, 彩色玻璃窗和数以百计的宗教遗迹, 和三一学院, home to a magnificent library filled with books dating back to the 9th century, were just a few of the monumental sites in Dublin she and fellow classmates visited.  

In addition to exploring Ireland, 席琳 took this opportunity to see other countries. 她访问了意大利, 西班牙, 和法国, and said she “loved the excitement and thrill of constantly traveling and learning not only about Ireland but about the other countries I visited as well.“在威尼斯的运河上乘坐贡多拉, 看到夜晚闪闪发光的埃菲尔铁塔, and trying delicious Spanish tapas are just a few of the unique experiences 席琳 was able to do while abroad. 她留学期间的目标之一是广交朋友. 走出她的舒适区, she made many international friends while learning a great deal about unfamiliar cultures.  

席琳 believes that studying abroad is a unique opportunity that should not be passed up, especially since the University of 雷德兰兹 has such a diverse and amazing study abroad program. The memories and friendships she made along the way have not only enhanced her college experience but also have opened the world as her classroom.  

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